The Tools Of An Unfaithful Husband
No woman wants to believe she is married to an unfaithful husband. She understandably wants to believe that he took his marriage vows as seriously as she did. This was no game from your perspective. Love honor and cherish were not fancy words only used for effect. It meant commitment as well as determination to have a long term relationship built on these words.
Unfortunately infidelity statistics tell a different story. It is estimated that one out of every twenty men will at some point cheat on their wives. And many unless their conscience gets the best of them will never get caught.
Regarding your own personal situation however your unfaithful husband did get caught. He was a little too clever for his own good and whether you found some incriminating evidence, somebody tipped you off what they were up to or you flat out caught them in the act the bottom line is his unfaithfulness has finally come to light.
Of course what they did has hit you pretty hard. The swirl of emotions makes it so you cannot even see straight. Yet as bad as they have hurt you there is no wish on your part to end the relationship. That is not uncommon. In fact infidelity statistics show that sixty four percent of all marriages continue after cheating has been discovered.
Yet the key to staying together and rebuilding the marriage is healing. Much of that healing is making yourself aware of what your unfaithful husband did and how. Only you can determine how deeply you want to delve into the details but you need to have a sense of what they did not only to start to healing process but also to be on guard for possible signs in the future.
1. The Lies
This is at the top of the list. No extramarital affair can be successful without telling your spouse a falsehood. The question is how did they do it? Were they able to look you straight in the face? Did they step all over their words or did they just lie through omission? See if you can recall their body language or anything else that might have tipped you off they were not being truthful. This includes finding out if he got his friends to lie to you.
2. The Charges
Relationships cost money and infidelity is no different. Strange charges on credit card statements or money being withdrawn from the account are definitely some tools of the unfaithful husband. Also setting up a separate account and not willing to share any of the information with you.
3. Too Much Space
Your spouse gets a call and disappears into another room. Gets very defensive about the family computer or just seems to vanish at odd hours without much explanation. Infidelity statistics do not measure being secretive; which is one of the keys to carrying on a marital affair.